TWILIGHT FILMING LOCATION Oxbow Park “Say it” and Fallen Tree

Oxbow Regional Park
3010 SE Oxbow Parkway
Gresham, Oregon
Lastly we drove over the hills and through the valleys to end up at Oxbow Park located east of Gresham. Its a beautiful day and overnight camp park located on the Sandy River. Here is where they filmed the scene when Bella reveals that she knows Edward is a vampire. He then replies to her with “Say it”. Once we entered the park my directions to the location were pretty vague and we did wander around a bit. We were ready to give up when we came across a helpful park ranger who knew the exact location where the filming took place. I had read that they had to close off the forested area where this scene was filmed because of too many people trampling through the area and killing the vegetation. Happily when we found the open area we saw that it is now in full recovery and was a beautiful setting for this scene. Ringed by massive trees the open area is overflowing with ferns, moss covered logs and lots of green foliage everywhere.
The site is just to the left of a walking trail, on the northside of the road. It is about 1.6 miles from the gate into the park. Here is a map of the park and I have marked the area with a black star.
This is where Edward pulls Bella along to the top of the hill for the reveal. It is located about 1.3 miles from the entrance gate and is on the right side of the road. There is a small parking area with old table at the trail location. You just take the trail into the trees and go up the hill. It is just around a corner on the the trail.