View Point Inn Update November 2024

The View Point Inn was the location for the prom scenes from the first Twilight movie. It has had a lot of issues since there was a fire in the building. The last time I visited the building was in bad disrepair. The chimney has fallen down, windows were broken out and inside was in shabbles. A new owner has been working to restore the building over the last few years and I was excited to see it yesterday in its new glory.
The new owners are using the building as a wellness retreat. Their plans along with updates on the new building can be found on their website at I was able to visit and take new photos and take a look inside as well. It looks like it will once again be a beautiful building.
You can see that they have already replaced all the windows and doors. New outdoor siding. They also removed and saved the stones from the fireplace to replace when finished. It looked as though the pond area in the yard had been filled in. There is also a second story to the garage that is now finished. It is currently fenced off while the construction is happening.