I came across this story today and it was just to fun and I had to share. These two were doing their usual video blog along the streets near London going into a restaurant and some shops. They turned the camera at one point in a clothing store and guess who was in their sights. Yes, Robert Pattinson. I think he looked as surprised as they were. They then left the shop and talked about their encounter along the street. I was amazed they could leave without a photo or saying hi.
I emailed them today and asked about their video blogging. They were nice and replied with telling me a little about themselves.
This from Hope:
We are a couple of students, been together for a little over two years and are at university studying. I (Hope) am studying Fashion and Adam studies Graphic Design. We haven’t been vlogging for very long but we love it, we just film what we get up to really. I am in Bournemouth and Adam is in London, which is about 100 miles apart so we only see each other every two weeks and try to do fun things and film it! 🙂
Seeing Robert Pattinson was a total surprise but he seemed nice – not that we talked to him! He looked shy and like he just wanted to keep to himself!
You can follow their fun videos at youtube.com/AdamXHope. Also instagram and @adamxhope.
You can spot Rob with his mom and sister about the 3:20 time.
After posting this there was this reply on youtube:
Alesia +AdamxHope
You two are too cute for words, and I love how you used the footage you recorded of Rob, I am a person who is truly ROBsessed so I wanted to let you know that is his sister Lizzie not his personal assistant and the other lady was his Mum, so you and Adam got a real treat seeing Rob interacting with family members. Thanks for the pix! |