The did some filming in Balcara park in a couple of different areas. The first we found was at the water edge where the newborns come walking out of the water to attach the Cullens. This proved to be easy to find right along the lake at a public beach area. The background of the trees showed us we were in the right spot. The day we visited it was full of kids and familys enjoying the water.
We read that they also filmed the Cullens and Wolf Pack fight practice here but we were not able to find it. The park ranger gave me a map and showed me that they have three areas in the park that are often used for filming. Once Upon A Time and other TV and movies have filmed here. They only have specific areas that can be used for filming and they are only accessible by a road that they keep gated. She told me that yes, they did use one of the areas for filming the Eclipse.
The park is located just N of Vancouver BC and is worth the trip.