By far this was the most exciting location to find. The location was easy to come by and it proved to be easy to find. We drove out of Coquitlam on Quarry Rd. until we came to Gilley’s Trail Rd. As we turned the corner the house came into view. It stands on a large property that is fenced and includes the barn/garage next to the house. There is mostly grass surrounding the house and barn but it rolls down to tall fir trees behind the house. I dont believe anyone is currently living in the house as we just saw several goats behind the fences.
The house looked much the same as in Breaking Dawn with the blue tarp still on parts of the roof. The house and barn are still painted dark red. It was very awesome just standing and taking in the whole property and thinking of all the scenes that were filmed there. The house appears in all the movies except the first Twilight movie filmed in Oregon.