Mackenzie Foy Talks Interstellar and Directing

Great article with Mackenzie Foy. I will always love her from Breaking Dawn.
Springboard: ‘Interstellar’ Teen Breakout Mackenzie Foy Wants to Direct
By Nigel M Smith | IndiewireNovember 21, 2014 at 11:27AM

Mackenzie Foy has already worked with James Wan (on “The Conjuring”), Bill Condon (on the final two “Twilight” movies) and Christopher Nolan (on “Interstellar,” which is now playing in theaters). Not bad for an actress who turned 14 earlier this month. As anyone — and many have by this point — who’s seen her bracing work opposite Matthew McConaughey in Nolan’s space epic can attest to, Foy is a remarkable talent who can cry believably with the best of them. In “Interstellar,” her biggest project yet, Foy stars as Murph, McConaughey’s fiercely independent onscreen daughter who’s played in her later years by Jessica Chastain. Indiewire spoke with Foy about her involvement in the potential Oscar player, meeting with Chastain to discuss the role and how she also wants to direct at some point in her career.
Promoting “Interstellar” has been really fun. I got to go to London and I’ve never been to London before. So that was really exciting.
I was comfortable on the “Interstellar” set. Everybody was really nice.
I was eight years old when I knew I wanted to be an actress. I slowly started by getting into commercials and then I was an extra on a TV show. And then the movies happened.
When you find something that you really love to do, you kind of just know instantly that, OK yeah, I want to do this for the rest of my life.
I want to act for the rest of my life — and I also want to pursue directing. Watching Bill Condon direct “Twilight,” kind of made me think, “OK yeah, I really want to do this now.” This idea that you can make an image in your head and be in full control of how it comes out — I thought that was really cool.
I’d always wanted to work with Chris [Nolan] and being able to work with him was just amazing. Being able to see him work and just watch him was really cool.

I was a little sad during that scene in “Interstellar” where my dad leaves me. But it was interesting to have all those emotions.
I met with Jessica [Chastain] before making “Interstellar” and we talked about our character to do certain things that will make the character believable as one person, instead of different people. Like for example, Murph would always have a messy bun of hair that she’s put a pencil in. And she talks with her hands.
It would be really nice to look like Miss Jessica. She’s really pretty.
“Interstellar” is about following your heart.
Filming “Interstellar” kind of inspired me to take Astronomy this year, which is really fun. I’m loving it and finally bought a telescope. I’m using it all the time!
I read only my part. Later on in the filming process [of “Interstellar”] I was allowed to read the entire script, but I told them “no.” I wanted to be surprised. My character didn’t know what was going to happen, so I thought then that I shouldn’t know.
I want to be successful and I want to do good, but I also want to be myself.
My friends just see me as Mackenzie. Weird, slightly funny Mackenzie. I’m pretty normal.