TWILIGHT FILMING LOCATION Silver Falls Park (5) Edward/Bella Hill Climb

While watching the Twilight movie it may look like the scenes are filmed all around Forks, Washington, which couldn’t be further from where they were really shot. Most were done around the Portland, Oregon area. Several were done in Los Angeles, after they filmed here in the NW. There is one scene that I finally got to all the places it was shot. The reveal scene is actually done in 6 different locations. You really don’t notice it in the movie, unless you have visited all the spots. One of them is the hill climb with Edward and Bella. It happens right after they are in the clearing at Oxbow Park and he speaks those words “say it”. He quickly picks her up onto his back and he “runs” up a tree covered hillside. I wasn’t able to find the details on how they did the “run” part, but I did locate the hillside. While on our way out of the park, a ranger stopped and we chatted a bit. He told me that they had used some private property just adjacent to the park. It is located on Silver Springs Rd. or on the map its called Silver Ridge Rd. It is just NW of the park and you will pass it on the main road going into the park. Six locations for one scene equals movie magic.