TWILIGHT FILMING LOCATION Vernonia Bank/Police Station (Forks, Washington)

Wauna Federal Credit Union
1010 Bridge St.
Vernonia, Oregon
Later in the Twilight movie Edward is driving Bella home from Port Angeles and they stop at the Forks Police Station after noticing Charlies cruiser and Carlisle’s car parked there. The filming was done at night so the surrounding area is very dark. There is also a ambulance parked in the parking lot. The building is actually a bank. They had signs made for the Forks Police Station. We were able to go inside the bank and see the counter area used for the filming. It was supposed to be Charlies desk area. The bank still had some of the desk lamps used for the filming. Edward, Carlisle and Bella also stand out front near the steps at one point during the scene. The building is quite lovely in the summer months.