TWILIGHT FILMING LOCATION Viewpoint Inn Rebuild Update

by: OUTLOOK PHOTO: CARI HACHMANN – The View Point Inn in Corbett still in a state of disrepair.
Owner Geoff Thompson said materials should arrive next week to begin fixing structure.
Eight months later, View Point Inn owner Geoff Thompson has received approval from Multnomah County to rebuild the historic structure at 40301 E. Larch Mountain Road. Now he is waiting to get his building permit from the city of Gresham, and the city said that should only take a few days.
Multnomah County Land Use and Planning is responsible for review of zoning requirements and land use permits in unincorporated areas such as Corbett, but contracts with the city of Gresham to do code inspections on the property and issue building permits.
“Never in my life, in my wildest imagination did I think the county was going to take that long to approve our plans,” Thompson said. “I thought by October 1, we’d be completely shelled in.”
As of now, the hole remains in the roof, letting in rain and whatever is carried by the wind. Glass doors at the inn’s front and back entry have been shattered. There is a big hole in the back porch and missing bricks from a stone path. The fountain is a pile of rubble and weeds have overtaken the back yard where wedding parties and Twilight producers took advantage in the wide-angle view of the Columbia Gorge.
This article from the Portland Tribune. You can read the full article at their webpage.