At the end of the Comic book signing I was able to chat some more with Peter Facinelli. My first question was how he got from filming to writing a comic book. He explained to me that he had first written out his ideas on a few pages about 13 years ago and hoped one day to turn it into a tv show. He put it away for another time and pulled it back out about 2 years ago and started to think about it again. He then started marketing it as a comic book to various publishers. BOOM picked it up and went into production. He handed off what he had written to Michael Allen Nelson for completion of the written part and then he joined up with another person for the artwork. Peter wanted it to reflect the bold colors he remembered from Superman comics. Lots of bright yellows and reds. It  took a year to get it completed. Peter’s premise for the storyline is “ordinary kids doing extraordinary things”. The characters are not super heros but teens doing super acts in their everyday lives so teens could connect and relate to it. His main purpose of the comic book genre was so that he could now own the intellectual property for his story and is able to turn it into other media. He talked about it possibly being turned into a TV show. The signing event was one of several that he is doing to promote the comic book with more  promotions in NYC this week.



