This past weekend I was driving north on I5 from Portland to Olympia and as I was coming to Kalama I just had to stop and check out the school once more. When I first visited the high school this summer it was a bright sunny summer day. This last weekend it was raining, windy and foggy in our area. It was perfect Twilight weather. After driving up the hill to the school and taking some new pictures we then drove through the main street of town. Upon turning towards the freeway I came across this huge banner hanging on the back of one of the buildings that I had not noticed before. It was also visible to the freeway traffic while they passed Kalama. The banner looks pretty new and perfect condition. After calling the bank building today I found out that the Kalama Chamber of Commerce had the banner made shortly after the first Twilight movie was out. It currently hangs on the back of the Heritage Bank Building located at 195 N. 1st St., Kalama, Washington. The bank building is in the process of closing and the Chamber of Commerce is looking for a new location for the banner. April at the bank said that it has brought several people into their bank to ask about the banner and Twilight filming in their city. She did not know where they were moving the banner. Hopefully, it will be located at a new building and still be very visible to the freeway traffic and twilight fans.