Robert Pattinson’s 12 Candid Twilight Confessions

I came across this great article on Robert Pattinson and his Twilight years. Its a year old but still worth the time to read. Its amazing to think of the years he had to deal with all the Twilight fans and still be making movies year after year.
Robert Pattinson’s 12 candid ‘Twilight’ confessions SPECIAL
To mark the release of ‘The Twilight Saga’ extended blu-ray, we expose a dozen of the most intriguing revelations the actor/heartthrob divulged to us over the years about his contributions to the ‘Twilight’ series and the effect the films had on his life.The moment movie fans across the globe caught their first glimpse of British-born actor Robert Douglas Thomas Pattinson’s handsome visage and experienced his quiet, diminutive demeanor in the inaugural Twilight film, they were, collectively, hooked.
4) In his own personal life, Robert admitted he never competed with another guy over a woman, in the way Edward fights with Jacob (Taylor Lautner) over Bella (one-time girlfriend Kristen Stewart). But, he has physically fought over a gal before…kinda: “I don’t ever compete over love. I think I’m not good at knowing it. I just kind of leave you alone, and also, I guess, if you are the one with the girl in the first place I guess maybe you’re forced into fighting a little bit. But I’d never be in Jacob’s position because then you just end up being the guy broke up with. Have I ever gotten in a fight with someone over a woman? Yeah, probably. But, I don’t know if it was about love. It was just more about pride”
(5) Just before the release of New Moon, he confessed he had already begun to feel the pressure of filming back-to-back sequels and becoming a male sex symbol: “Life has been just a blur. (laughs) There are random moments which stand out, but I’ve been working so much this year that it’s almost like living in an alternate reality. The hours on a film set are so long that you’re doing doctor hours, and every doctor that I’ve ever spoken to says the same thing, that you have no idea what’s going on, other than working. You’re away from your family and friends, and all that stuff.”
(6) Before its release, he was perplexed by people both inside and outside the film industry who wanted to label New Moon a “chick flick”: “It’s weird. I keep getting told by people, ‘Pump up all the stuff about the action, so the guys will go and see it,’ but it’s ridiculous. It’s like saying that guys can’t appreciate romance. I don’t think you can say that about Gone with the Wind. I’ve watchedTitanic, and I didn’t think, ‘Oh, this is a girl’s film.’ (laughs) Especially in New Moon, and actually in the whole series, I’ve never played it thinking, “Oh, I’m in a series of girls’ films and I’m doing something just for girls.” I don’t feel like I’m doing an animated Tiger Beat every week. I like doing romantic scenes. I felt like a lot of the storyline in New Moon is very heartbreaking and true. I didn’t think I was doing something, just for the sake of romance. I thought, in a lot of ways, that it was a really sad story.”
(8) Edward was considered, by many, to be a flawed and possessive romantic hero. By Eclipse, Pattison said his character has gone through a real emotional transformation: “His flaws in the first two movies, I think, and in the story were just caused by his sort of disconnection from reality. When he finds one thing to hold onto, that’s where his possessiveness comes from. I think that as the series goes on he accepts more and more that he’s a part of the contemporary world. I think all the things that were deemed flaws before start fading away. That’s how I’m trying to play him. I think he’s coming out of his shell a bit in Eclipse. So, hopefully, by the end of Breaking Dawn, he’ll basically be a normal 17-year-old guy, just a little pale.” (laughs)
(9) Robert said the weirdest thing he ever read about himself was the one about him expecting…a baby!: “Some magazine had on the cover that I was pregnant. I was just like, ‘Wow!’ (laughs) And, it was without a hint of irony or anything. I didn’t really know what to make of that one. I don’t even know if that qualifies as libelous because they can just say, ‘Well, it’s obviously fiction,’ but it’s written in a non-fiction magazine. I saw a couple comments under the article saying, ‘That’s why he always wears jackets. He always wears layers to hide it.’” (laughs)
(11) Having portrayed Edward Cullen over the course of five films, at the end of his Twilight run, Pattinson had mixed emotions about bidding his character adieu: “There’s a thing, in general, about doing any kind of series, especially when the characters remain the same, to go back and try to improve whatever you did in the last movie, which never happens. That work ethic is nice. You feel quite strangely secure. It’s the opposite of how you’re supposed to feel doing a movie. It’s supposed to feel totally foreign, every single time. But, going back for another go at it is good, on one hand, but it’s also bad, on another hand. Your ideas dry up sometimes, and you get lazy sometimes because you’re around the same people. That was the good thing about having different directors. You had to stay on your toes. What was the worst thing? Playing the part where you can’t get hurt and you can’t die gives you no framework. There are too many possibilities, if you can’t die. If you’re playing a normal human being, there’s always that.”