TWILIGHT FILMING LOCATION Silver Falls Park (4) The Bridge

The Bridge at Silver Falls State park proved to be a real thorn in my side. After visiting all the other Twilight filming locations in the Portland area, I was still looking for this bridge. I really thought it was located west of Portland near Vernonia or between St. Helens and Vernonia. I even stopped one day on my way back from the beach because I thought we had crossed it on Hwy. 26.
When we met Beth Melnick, the location scout for Twilight, I asked her and she thought it was in the Columbia River Gorge somewhere. Her partner had scouted the Silver Falls Park spots, so she probably wasnt aware of it being there. I finally got a tip from a fellow Twilight fan. Then I was off to the park to find the elusive bridge. Little did I know that I had driven over it several times while visiting the park with the most recent camping there last summer. The more I studied the bridge photos with Bellas truck rumbling over it, the more I became aware of the details on the top pieces and the size and placement of the vertical pieces. Its made of very old stone and moss covers it year round. It could easily have been a bridge in the Columbia River gorge, in the coastal mountain range near Indian Beach or near Oxbow Park, but here it was right at the entrance to Silver Falls Park.