I recently had the chance to stay overnight at Bella Swans house from the Twilight movie. It was so exciting and I couldn’t wait to get inside and see her room. I was surprised at how the house is pretty much the same as when it was filmed even though the ownership has changed a couple of times. It is currently owned by a twilight fan and they are lovingly restoring it to how it looks in the movie. They are renting it out now as an airbnb so fans can visit the home. When I was walking through the house I kept remembering the scenes playing out from the movie. Some of the furnishings are exact from the movie and some are new ones added that look very similar. The paint colors through the house are the same as in the movie. Here are my pics along with movie pics to compare the scenes.
You can get information to stay at the home click here.
You can follow The Swan House on facebook.
Thanks to Meg and Nancy for the invite. It was a very fun night.
Bellas Bedroom windows face out to the back and side of the house. This movie photo is her looking out the front window of the house which actually in the room across from her bedroom.
The kitchen is mostly the same as in the movie including the old appliances. The refrigerator door handles matched up. They used the chairs that are now in the dining room for the kitchen filming.